T’was an excellent trip downtown yesterday — enjoyable breakfast at Clifton’s, a very productive day over at the central library and informative as to the number of freaks on the streets that I strolled past coming and going. I also found that for my upcoming jury duty later this month I can take the No. 4 bus and be dropped off right in front of the Stanley Mosk Courthouse on Hill Street.
So nice was it that I shall do it all over again today. Maybe with breakfast at The Pantry, though.
During one part of the above-mentioned walking tour from Clifton’s through Pershing Square and over to the Library I brought my tired old Casio digicam out in case there were some images worth snapping. I squeezed off a couple intentionals not worth mentioning, but when I got home I found that I must have accidentally depressed the shutter while walking past what I think was a dormant shoeshine guy on 6th Street just east of Broadway. I say accidentally because while I remember walking past the guy, I was holding the camera in my hand by my side.
Given its 320-x 240 resolution the resulting snap is pure crap, but (as related in a previous post) when I more than double the image’s real estate and then randomly subject it to various filters in Photoshop I find something alive and worth saving in the the otherwise discardable capture.
Sure the final image is more fauxtograph than photograph (hey now: Fauxtographs… that would be a good title of a picturebook of ’em!), but I’m enjoying the end results (click to biggify):
Think I’ll call this one
Waiting To Shine.
UPDATE: I’ve gone and created a Fauxtography Group on Flickr.