Bike Rhymes With Like

Mack Reed over at L.A. Voice, who I’ve previously dubbed L.A.’s unofficial bikepoet laurreate supplied an excellent post with tons of pix about the cycling route he took this morning that included the bikeway between the Golden State Freeway and the L.A. River.

It was enough to get me nostalgic over the route I’d charted a few months ago, before finishing The Phoenix, and which covers some of the same territory along the bikeway. Click to biggify the image below to see it in all its satellite-view supersized glory and follow the yellow line that meticulously traces the loop I plan to ride at least once a week, if not more.

Bike Route

From the red dot, which is our house, up past the Silver Lake reservoir onto the L.A. river Bikeway, around the northeast corner of Griffith Park to Traveltown, turning back up and climbing up to the observatory before heading back down Vermont to Hollywood Boulevard to Sunset and home to the red dot again. I’m estimating it’s anywhere from 13 to 16 miles roundtrip, with a nice Hollywood Hills elevation gain.

Weather permitting, The Phoenix and I will be giving her a go early next week and I’ll be seeing how foolish it is to attempt to climb from the bottom to the top of Griffith Park on a single-speeder.

And maybe I’ll see Mack up there.