In reciprocation to my biking/blogging pals Eric Richardson and Dave Bullock for their noble participation in the L.A. Treasure Hunt April 2, when they asked if I could help out with today’s Downtown Art Ride I opted to shoot them a yes first and then ask questions later.
The one thing I have going for me is a passing familiarity with the downtown area. The marks against me are more: I have no knowledge of the civic center’s art scene; have never been to any of the 19 galleries on the ride’s route; and don’t do well pretending to know things that I don’t know anything about — especially art and artists.
Dave’s told me that’s no sweat. I don’t need to know diddly about the places or people. Essentially I’ve just gotta get people from the start to the finish and do my best along the way to limit the amount of time spent at each gallery to 10 minutes or so. Wish me luck with that.
The other wrinkle is that I gotta be back home to get cleaned up and out to Granada Hills High School for my daughter who’s singing in a talent show at 7 p.m.
Off I go!