An Inspector Calls, Part Deux

I’m not going to worry about linking back to the previous frustrations regarding the water heaters other than to remind anyone who might recall how the initial Building & Safety Department inspector wouldn’t sign off on it when he was first out way back at the end of May and I pretty much blew a gasket over that and the faulty job the contractors did that resulted in the inspector basically saying “Pfffft!”

So I huffed and puffed and grrr’d and snarled and blogged then we went on vacation and put the whole thing out of my mind until Susan was like “Hello! Where does this thing stand!?” and I was like “Oh, right!” and finally got around to doing the job myself last month — very well, I might add, though I’m not the inspector… who I then promptly forgot to call to come back out until last weekend when Susan was like “Hello! Where does this thing stand!?” and I was like “Uh, oh right!” and scheduled an appointment for today for the inspector to come out and when he showed up I crossed my fingers as he took a good look around and in the end gave me this (queue the angels singing):


And I said hell yeah!