A Reply From Ford & The Long Way Home

And just like that with this morning’s ride in I’m 85% complete with my Bike To Work Week goal. By the end of the day Friday I’ll have logged somewhere around 165 miles, which not only puts me around 500 miles for the year and decidly in the black and on track in regards to my drive to ride 2,007 miles in 2007, but it also amounts to being the most I’ve consistently pedaled over a consecutive multi-day since my eight-day 475-mile San Franscisco-to-Santa Clarita ride back in 2003.

Forgive me while I allow that I totally freakin’ rock for a moment. Thanks.

I’ll be taking a different route home tonight, up to Mar Vista to meet with an old friend who found me via my blog last week. I haven’t seen Russell Zuckerman in probably 16/17 years, and while we were friends from high school (with the distinction of having dated the same girl), it wasn’t really until a couple years later that we became regular buds searching for and finding a whole bunch of good times along our way through the mid-’80s. Case in point:


Russell sent me this photo taken of us down in Newport one inebriated weekend at his folks’ place down there. As is pretty obvious by the symetrically arranged bottles at the bow of the boat I affectionately dubbed the Jungle Cruiser (and with which we’d chug around the back bay usually after dark), our fun was booze-fueled, particularly with Moosehead beer and Seagrams 7. Righteous good times. And there were plenty more, too.

I’m not clear if there was a definitive reason why we lost touch or if it was just one of those fades that happens with lives taking different courses, but I’ve thought about him regularly and fondly over the years and it’ll be good to see him again tonight and catch up.

In other news, you might recall my post last week in which I wrote a letter to the Toronto councilman named Rob Ford whose quote about cyclists being to blame when they’re killed or injured on the road made the bike community rounds to much chagrin and rage… mine included.

Low and behold in my inbox I find a reply from Mr. Ford and much to my surprise it is cordial and respectful and conciliatory:

Dear William,

Thank you very much for your email.  I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and views with me.  Your opinions are valued.  I would like to speak with you personally regarding this issue.  Please forward me your telephone number or leave me a voice mail at [redacted] and I will be happy to speak with you as soon as possible.

Best Regards,

Rob Ford

Councillor Etobicoke North

How about that, eh!? I’d expect he’d respond to constituents in that manner, but someone so far away? Frankly I was very impressed. And so with equal diplomacy and appreciation I responded and invited him to call me at home where I said I would welcome an opportunity to chat.

If anything comes of it you can be sure I’ll report about it here.