Tattered, But A Treasure Nonetheless

Sadly, in preparing for tonight’s game I have been unable to locate my Dodgers cap and can only ashamedly assume I suffered a major league brainfart in including it in my last clothing purge/donation to Goodwill. What an idiot!

But in the process of searching for it I did find some Dodger memorabilia that I would never get rid of no matter how big the brainfart, but no it will not be coming with us to the stadium tonight:


Though I’m guilty of not doing near enough over the years to care properly for it, even in its ratty state it is still a treasure to me: a souvenir pennant from the first Dodger game I attended way the heck back as a six year old in 1971. I even have the program stored away somewhere.

I can remember sitting field level on the first base side with my PeeWee League mitt hoping to catch a foul ball. I can’t remember who they played or who won, but I can remember falling in love with baseball and the Dodgers and their home.