That’s Cap’n Bad Ass To You

Wasn’t expecting the cats ‘n dogs that fell out of the sky beginning about 3 p.m. this afternoon. At all.  But boy did they come.

So when quittin’ time rolled around at 5:30 p.m. I weighed my options: bike the 13.8 miles home in about 6:30 – 6:45 p.m., or get on the No. 439 bus to the No. 704 and come through the front door about 8 p.m. if I was lucky… more like 8:30.

So figuring short of drowning one could only get so wet, I braved the unrelenting rain along with some mid-40 air temps, the gusting winds out of the west, and made it home. Much to the relief of Susan, one of the dogs and none of the cats.

And all the way I illicited equal measures of motorist pity and envy — the former whenever I was stuck dripping at red lights, the latter whenever I zipped past the back-ups brought about by the numerous traffic signal outages.