…Oooooooone Squuuuuuuuaaaaaaashed Thuuuuuuuuumb!
The picture might not do the mash justice, but see that abnormally discolored cloud of sadness within the bed of my thumbnail? Yeah: hurts like sunovagunzabeech. Suffice it to say it was bike-repair related and idiocy induced, and by way of a more detailed explanation let’s just go to the series of Twitter posts from the immediate mash aftermath going forward about 20-30 minutes:
- Right now I’m really admiring how long the pain lasts after you squish your thumb between the fork and spinning spokes.
- Beneath the nail is already some angry black ‘n bluing.
- De-Christmasing my bike & giving it a thorough cleaning as well as new front/rear brake pads, and I’m repaid in thumb squished agony? Nofair
- It’s one of those hurts were you almost wish the offended digit had just been lopped off. I said almost.
- Spewing a stream of invective to rival those which the father was famous for in “A Christmas Story.”
- snagdragalbasturdenfrakostenkluntbisquitweavernard!