Day-After Birthday Surprise!

Yesterday was my Baybee’s birthday, and other then wishing her a happy one that morning, I shamefully had nothing else for her. No card. No gift. No cake. I did suggest we go out for dinner to celebrate this weekend to a local place we’ve been wanting to try, but there was no mistaking I had dropped the ball on this one.

Honestly, I don’t think she minded THAT much. She’s a lot like me in that lower the key any recognition the anniversary of my birth gets the better. It’s really no big deal.

But still. Lower key doesn’t mean no key at all.

In my defense, my schedule is non-birthday conducive. Case in point: when mine rolls around next month I’ll be spending it doing a final exam for the public safety training I’m currently in. Woo. Hoo. But on top of my educational obligations and conflicts, Tuesday’s best laid plans to go out and get her something/anything were knocked askew thanks to a coyote who showed up in our backyard about noon, followed by an afternoon spend worrying where our cat Pumpkin was (all’s well; he came back after about 3.5 hours).

So it was that at around 11 a.m. I decided to take Ranger for a walk around the neighborhood. And so it was that about mid-way along that walk I found a decidedly moderne style make-up bureau that someone had kicked to the curb. Not only was it intact and in decent shape and with all its drawers (tongue-and-groove, too; though missing all its drawer pulls — and the mirror that would be mounted on the posts extending above its surface), but more importantly regardless of its condition, I just knew it was something that Susan would have given me the BIG EYES about had she been with us and passed by it. Basically what Susan wants, Susan gets. Seriously, I made the mistake of NOT retrieving the drawerless skeleton of a well-made dresser we didn’t need and while she has stopped reminding me, I’m sure it’s still lingering there in her mind as the one that got away because of me.

Not that we NEED a makeup bureau, or have a place to put it. But that’s not stopped Susan in the slightest during previous discoveries. With the one exception of that dresser I’ve hauled home chairs, tables, trunks, you name it.

And then Ranger was all, “Dude. You totally blew her birthday. This can be her Day-After Birthday Present!”

And I was all, “Dawg! That’s righteous!”

And then we both riffed on our air guitars. Whay!

So Ranger and I hustled back home, I grabbed my keys and hopped in the truck and bippity-bang, boppity-boom the bureau is now sitting in the foyer as seen below, waiting for Susan to come home and find it, replete with a hand-writting “Happy Day-After Birthday!” Card.


My day-of birthday skills certainly need to be honed, but my belated skills have at least saved the day-after.

Love you, Bay-bee!