I’ll Never Stop Trying

What you’re seeing in the photo above is the end of my attempt this morning to help this half-starved and lost pit bull. At this point we’re  at St. Andrews and 36th, a couple blocks south of Jefferson, which is where I first sighted her a couple minutes earlier. We were both westbound on the …

By The Way Will, How Are Your Fingers Doing that You Gouged On Your Bike’s Chainring This Weekend?

Better than they look. I’ve been dousing them pretty regularly with isopropyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide (no, not at the same time), which has been key in minimizing what coulda/woulda been a gnarly infection since there’s still a fair amount of burning and bubbling of the respective liquids when applied. And I’ve been pretty persistent …

A Death Over Our Heads

Susan called me at work yesterday afternoon. There was a nervousness to her voice that I picked up immediately and I feared one of our animals had been hurt. “Joe’s passed away,” she told me. Joe was her tenant, the last of the three renters who occupied the house when she bought it in 1999. …

The End Of Microfiction

I’m throwing in the towel. I had planned on writing something/anything fictional every day for the rest of this year, but after two months, I’m done — at least on a once-every-24-hours basis. In the more immediate time frame, after a morning on the bike and an afternoon helping my baybee in the backyard, I …

Two Sides To Every Smile

I deviated the route slightly this morning, taking Vermont all the way down to Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, which I stayed on across to Leimert Park. At MLK I rolled to a stop before the red light at Normandie and from the sidewalk behind me at my four o’clock walked a petite woman perhaps somewhere …

Little Is Coincidental

I try to be a firm believer in things happening for a reason — good or bad. Sometimes I’ll get into arguments with myself about that adage over the little things… like what could possibly be the purpose of that ding I got from some sunzabeech in my truck’s door in the parking lot where I work yesterday (answer: all the …