I Made A Book

I took 120 or so of the 5,818 stills my camera captured during last Sunday’s CicLAvia and dove into Lulu.com to create a photo book that can tell the visual story of last Sunday’s CicLAvia. I’m not quite at the stage to publish it, but as soon as I get there, you’ll be the first …

3 Inches In 46 Hours & Rising

It’s not the easiest read, but as of a few minutes prior to posting this, the precipitation station I set up in front of the porch webcam has collected a representative sample of slightly more than three inches of rainfall since it was put in place Friday morning at roughly 9:45 a.m. Even less visible …

The Serendipitous Roundabout Way In Which You Learn Things Like That John Steinbeck Lived For A Time In Los Angeles

I’m not much on absolute favorites. I’m much more a “Top 5” or “Top 10” kind of guy — the sort who always qualifies his appreciation of things, inserting “one of” into anything I’m glowing and crowing about. “That is one of my favorite Frank Lloyd Wright residences.” “My 19th birthday? One of the best …

Troy Train

Since Susan and I took that 4,500-mile Western U.S. road trip in the summer of 2006 there’s one thing I kick myself for not doing: recording a train as it came through Troy, Montana, where Susan’s grandma lives, and where we spent July 4. There was something super awesome in the horn blasts that registered …

Rocket, Man!

Word out of Vandenberg Air Force Base is that an Atlas 5 rocket is scheduled for launch at 8:29 p.m., and with anticipated clear skies tonight its trajectory into orbit to deliver its classified payload should be visible to the unaided eye within a radius of 150 miles. “The 19-story rocket should be visible across …