Inside Angels Flight Station House: The Morning “Shiftkicker” and More…

At or near their outsets, I usually like to get my shifts at Angels Flight energized up and into cruise control with a musical selection that I’ve dubbed the “morning shiftkicker,” and sometimes I record it. In this case there is that rather unique musical selection (starts with my intro at about the 14:00 mark …

Angels Flight Articles From Waaaay Back When

Mindblown!Look What I Found! Courtesy the California Digital Newspaper Collection of UC Riverside’s Center for Bibliographical Studies & Research: An article on page 8 from the December 31, 1901, Los Angeles Herald newspaper: “Angels’ Flight Is Given A Test.” UCR’s fancee shmancee website even transcribes the textesses so I don’t have to — yer welcome: …

The Courtship of Eddy’s Street

So being a perpetual nut for all things Angels Flight I was bound to discover that there is indeed an Eddy Street in Los Angeles — Northridge to be specific. Actually there’s two Eddy Streets as shown below in the Google Map photo of the area around the instersection of Reseda Boulevard and Parthenia Street. …