So the magnet that triggers the sensor of my tried and true bike odometer broke when I tried to move it from one rim to another, but I’m not fretting because my baby hooked me up with a Garmin eTrex Vista for Christmas and I finally got around to mounting it to The Phoenix’s handlebars this weekend and using it to track the particulars involved with this morning’s commute to work.
I’m enamored with the unit as a whole, but particularly thrilled with the information it gathers for me, as pictured in all my phonecam’s blurry glory at right. From top to bottom, left to right:
Trip Odometer: 13.1 miles
Max Speed: 27.2 mph
Moving time: 49.36
Moving Average: 15.9 mph
Stopped Time: 12.50
Overall Average: 12.6 mph
Elevation at destination: 143 feet
Odometer: 13.14 miles
Who needs a bike odie when one has this magnificent application of global-positioning-system technology!