Ladder Not A Hook

Over at The Eastsider Los Angeles blog, the spotlight has been shined on a residence in Echo Park being sold by a pair of apparently notable house flippers. Reeeeeeally ambitious asking price? $789,000. Number of offers made since it hit the market a couple weeks ago? None.


As Susan and I continue to wrestle with reconnecting our long-divided first and second floors with a traditional staircase, part of me likes the simple and unique and inexpensive connective option the sellers have taken (pictured above). But only for a moment, then I can’t stand it.

And I’d bet such a “hip” design decision is backfiring and at least part of the reason that interest in the place hasn’t been overwhelming (or even just whelming for that matter).

Being highly motivated to buy at that price is a given. Needing to be highly motivated every time you wish to move between the main floor and whatever that space is up there? Not a selling point. Not in the slightest.