Susan might dispute this, but I stand firm in my potential delusion that during the early stages of the demo when the bedroom ceiling came down it was my suggestion rather than rehang the 8-foot-plus ceiling we go vaulted, augmented with a couple decorative, non-structural beams going across.
I qualify myself as being possibly incorrect in laying claim to that awesome stroke of design genius, because when I have in the past Susan’s given me looks that can be interpreted as:
- No, you didn’t
- Fine, OK it was your idea (even though it wasn’t)
- You’re getting annoying
- Aren’t you going to be late for work?
Or all of the above.
The ceiling came together quite nicely but our contractor seemed to have forgotten about the beams because they insulated, drywalled and painted and left me in a huff at the oversight.
Thankfully Susan came to the rescue in researching options and it all came together with a company from Orange County she found that delivered an easy-to-install solution.
But it wasn’t over yet. The beams went in a few days ago and after my initial joy, my critical eye was pretty certain they weren’t straight. Sure enough, Wednesday morning I climbed up a ladder with a level and they were both almost identically waaaaay off — more than an inch lower on one side.. So I left the tool up there, propped up to illustrate the “level” of their crookedness with a note saying, in essence: FAIL.
That evening I came home and because the beams were almost as easy to remove as they were to install, I found them both fixed. Now all that’s missing is the ceiling fan in the middle.