At the beginning of the year when my resolution was to Bike Every Day, I doomed that goal because on weekends I would put off riding until I’d eventually bring the bike out and do a lap or two around the block — just to keep the streak going. After the third or fourth time doing that its lameness was readily apparent and at the end of January, so ended the resolution.
Well with my Bike Every Day In May campaign past the halfway point, I’ve fallen into that old habit these past two Sundays — the qualifier being instead of a paltry 0.6 of a mile, I’m doing what I’ve now dubbed my 10K Ride; a 6.2-mile course from home up Sunset Boulevard to Griffith Park Drive to Hyperion up and over the viaduct into Atwater Village, along the east bank of the L.A. River to Fletcher Avenue to Glendale Boulevard to Silver Lake Boulevard and home.
It’s certainly not the original plan to do 15-plus milers every Saturday and Sunday, but it’s got enough distance and changes of scenery that I don’t feel like I’m rolling around the block just to say I did. All in it’s a comfortable cruise that takes me about 25 minutes. And the undeveloped east bank of the river is something of a treat.
For next weekend though, mucho mileage. Saturday I’m planning a combo mash-up of the Black Dahlia ride and an Historic West Adams District mosey, and Sunday I’m doing my traditional ride to Los Angeles National Cemetery in Westwood for Memorial Day, with maybe a sidetrip up to the Getty Center. Then Monday comes the L.A. Marathon Bike Tour, the route of which I’m aiming to do twice.