Saturday’s Ride Will Have Some RIDE-Arc Flava

So the original intent of the West Adams mosey portion of Saturday’s ride was just to wander around the historic district looking at some of the phenomenal residences that exist there. Then I relocated a book I have on the famed district choke full with details on structures living and long gone and I couldn’t help but channel my inner tour-guide and plot out specific points for us to visit.

Here it is in the abstract (clickable to double size, and the link below it will take you to the live Google maps version):

View Black Dahlia / West Adams Mosey in a larger map

The points in the upper right and lower left are the Biltmore Hotel and the location where Elizabeth Short’s remains were found. Among those markers in between  I found homes of heroes, villians, superstars and city changers and much more. I’ll be bringing the aforementioned book along to provide some brief background info.

In addition, my friend Hap made an excellent suggestion of including a stop at the Convention Center for anyone needing to later-register and/or pick up their L.A. Marathon Bike Tour stuff. So we’ll be doing that as well — which conveniently puts El Parian, my new favorite taco place on our route. So a pre-Convention Center stop there will be in order, too.

This is going to be a great ride.