Back in March I posted about a remarkable cactus pad draped over the north fence that while disconnected from the mother plant still somehow managed to nurture five smaller pads that were thriving forth from it, even though the pad itself was dying.
Then in April I did an update about how so moved I was by such a survival instinct that I elected to free the five tiny pads from their dying source and give them some dirt of their own within which to grow.
By way of a follow-up, I’m happy to report that all are doing mighty fine, but the smallest of the quartet was struggling a bit because the soil level in the pot was so low, the sun’s rays hardly touched it. On top of that when I’d water it the little thing would almost get drowned and/or buried.
Since I’m a sucker for the underdogs of course I remedied that situation because that just would not do (cick for the bigger picture):
As you can see the quintet is enjoying their digs and now the little tyke’s got a pot of its own — a booster seat, so to speak. And yes, the blown out thing in the bottom right of the pot is the corpse of the pad that birthed them because I just can’t bring myself to throw it out. Tis is a far better thing that her remains enrich the soil and serve to continue her padlings journey, don’t you think?