The trouble with having literally everything in my truck to go bike the east bank of the Los Angeles River is that when I go run errands there’s a risk I’ll stop and do just that… which is what I did after returning from my mom’s place yesterday morning.
Though I set out planning to just pedal downstream from the Fletcher Bridge to my favorite spot and chill for a bit, of course I kept on going.
But what differentiates this vid from what’s becoming the rapidly redundant other east bank timelapses I’ve done is that this time I did my best to stay nearest to the water’s actual edge (or in it) rather than on the access road at the top of the embankment through Elysian Valley.
Though I also hadn’t planned on venturing into the water downstream of the path’s end this time, when I got there I just couldn’t help going in and before long I found myself down between the First and Fourth Street viaducts before turning around.
PS. Though I managed to secure the cam to my mountainbike’s handlebars this time (rather than the restricted POV offered by the chest mount) I must apologize for the low-resolution of this clip. Uploading a 46mb file is far less taxing on my patience and bandwidth than the 413mb HD version. Also! If you might be wondering why this clip clocks in at 9:06, it’s because I saved the Quicktime file at six frames per second, twice as slow at my usual 12 fps.