The Last Orchid


Susan’s company’s move a few months ago had her bringing home a dinged up orchid plant that at the time was just lots of thick, waxy leaves and little hope that the porch environment would be conducive to it flowering.

Or so we thought. Maybe it was the excessive heat and humidity. Maybe it was magic. It was certainly nothing I did, but dote on it and cross my not very green thumbs.

Within a few weeks a couple “branches” for want of the right word grew, first one and then a second, and from them more than a score of little nubs exploded into full-blown blossoms that never ceased to amaze me every day.

Equally impressive was how long the blooms lasted. I’m used to flowers that come and go over the course of a few days — maybe a week or two. Not these orchid blooms. They hung around and hung around until it finally started getting cold this past few weeks. Pictured up close and personal above is the last of them, snipped this morning and now stationed on my desk in a little pot of water where I will enjoy it for as long as it lasts.