Come Ride With Me: New Year’s Day 2024

I’m never so much interested in staying up late in an increasingly inebriated state to celebrate the end of an old annum so much as I am interested in getting up and out fresh at the dawn of the new one to get it off to a right and proper start.

It’s a perfect day for a bike ride, especially given the beautiful weather coupled with how peaceful and wide open the Los Angeles I’m pedaling through is as the majority of its residents are either still sleeping or trying to shake off hangovers rather than seizing the day.

Today’s two-hour and 25.6 mile route starts at about 7AM and is sweetly soundtracked by @ClassicalKUSC‘s “Great Escape” stream as I pedal from Silver Lake to Los Feliz Village and up into Griffith Park then down the other side to the Los Angeles River downstream along the Glendale Narrows section through Elysian Valley and Frogtown to the end of the bike path, then to downtown via Chinatown before coming back home to Silver Lake via Echo Park.

Whether you come along with me for a little bit or the whole ride, thanks for watching.

For your skip-around pleasure I’ve approximately time-marked various locations, areas, encounters and incidents below:

Sunset Boulevard — 03:00
Los Feliz Village — 07:40
Griffith Park — 15:30
Vista del Valle Trailhead — 18:55
Cedar Grove — 21:45
Helipad — 26:30
Hawk Encounter: 31:10
Wife Texts Me — 31:55
Coyote Encounter: 38:45
Intersection of Vista del Valle and Mt. Hollywood Drive — 45:40
Jack ‘O Lantern Mosaic Tile — 48:30
Gray Squirrel Encounter — 50:10
Down the “Roller Coaster” — 56:50
Passing Traveltown — 58:30
Los Angeles River — 1:02:00
Stop To Change Camera Battery — 1:09:20
Colorado Boulevard Tunnel — 1:09:50
Baum Bicycle Bridge — 1:14:45
Elysian Valley/Frogtown– 1:18:00
Beautiful Flowering Wall — 1:29:20
Passing Lincoln Heights Jail — 1:32:10
Crossing Buena Vista Viaduct — 1:34:00
Slaloming North Broadway — 1:35:25
Chinatown — 1:36:20
Downtown — 1:38:45
2nd Street Tunnel — 1:41:15
Favorite Tunnel Street Art — 1:42:50
Cesar E. Chavez Boulevard through Echo Park — 1:48:40
Slaloming Sunset Boulevard — 1:55:25

Garmin Route Map Link: