The Wall

I had a moment where I was going to give up. At the Rio Hondo College Police Academy this morning, for the required physical agility test in hopes of being accepted as a cadet, I almost quit before I got started. In my group of applicants, in which I was the oldest by seven years …

As Usual, Tony Pierce Just About Sums It Entirely The Hell Up

I’ve met Tony Pierce the blogger on a very regular basis since 2003, but I’ve only met Tony Pierce the person once since then. It consisted mainly of a brief handshake coupled to my expression of sincere appreciation at finally meeting him, before he moved on to far bigger names in attendance. It was at …

Fountain Pen Of Youth

As is so often the case, CBS’ “Sunday Morning” newsmagazine — my favorite program on television ever — draws stuff out of me. It could be inspiration, it could be revelation. It could be recollection. In this past weekend’s episode, a simple segment on fountain pens, reminded me of what was one of my biggest …

A Day Late

Yesterday was the anniversary of the death of Evelyn Ruth Billings. I wrote about her demise back when I was editor-in-chief at The Roundup, the student newspaper of Los Angeles Pierce College. From her tragedy came a personal triumph. My op-ed piece went on to take first place in the column writing category at the 1994 statewide …

4th Street Viaduct Panorama

It was hastily shot and even more hastily cobbled together, but as you might tell in this 180-degree four-frame panorama there wasn’t a much better vista during yesterday’s CicLAvia than atop the 4th Street Bridge (click to panoramify):