Short Story Long #7845: Scenes From A Different Kind Of (Post) Mid-Life Crisis…

So I did it: I ordered a new toy. No, not a Harley-Davidson. Not a fully restored 1965 Mustang. Not a sky-dive or a 130-pound Hungarian Komondor (google it for some awesome). Nah. I went and bought me an E-bike (actually us; one for me, one for Susan), though it can’t be considered an impulse …

It Came… From The Inbox!!!

One of the pitfalls of being a (albeit former) blogger of a certain low-level of local renown and influence is that I remain on mail lists of PR firms whose bot admins both: 1) Don’t know I’m a post-middle aged geezer curmudgeon; 2) Have even less of a clue how much I detest anything bandwagon …

A Funny Thing Happened On The Bike Ride To Montebello To Buy Egg Nog

First you might wonder why I really biked all the way to Montebello and back (28.29 miles) to buy egg nog? Well, this is not just any egg nog. This is Broguiere’s Egg Nog. THE BEST egg nog I’ve ever had. And sure, I could’ve biked (probably about the same distance overall) to stores in …

I’m Gonna Blame It On The Heat

On the hottest day Los Angeles has experienced in a looooong time, I ventured into the triple-digit heat yesterday afternoon with three errands to run: the Hollywood Bowl, to exchange tickets for that night’s performance since Susan is out of town helping out with matters in the wake of her uncle’s death last weekend; the …

As Usual, Tony Pierce Just About Sums It Entirely The Hell Up

I’ve met Tony Pierce the blogger on a very regular basis since 2003, but I’ve only met Tony Pierce the person once since then. It consisted mainly of a brief handshake coupled to my expression of sincere appreciation at finally meeting him, before he moved on to far bigger names in attendance. It was at …