Defining Moments: A Project

I’ve been wanting to do this for awhile: create a chrono-log of my memories as a native angeleno. From my earliest on up be it a recollection fuzzy or crystal clear, paragraph to novella in size, mundane or meaningful, it’s important that I attempt a compilation of my memories. And so we begin with the earliest concrete bit …

Gimme A Sign!

At the 405 overpass around the seventeenth mile of our Sunset Boulevard Walk, I found this sign stashed behind some weeds and fellow walker Lisl obliged me by recording its discovery: Whoever was using it to augment their roadside panhandling, well… I may have my doubts as to whether they’re truly destitute or just sponging …

Catching Up Is Hard To Do

In the wake of the Friday night’s awesome Midnight Ridazz ride, followed by me staying up so late that I only got about an hour’s sleep before needing to get up and ready to go walk Saturday away along the entire length of Sunset Boulevard from downtown to the sea, I’m peering up over the …

The Power Of Expected Showers

Tomorrow’s the big stroll-o-thon along the length of Sunset Boulevard, from its original beginnings* at Union Station downtown to where it meets Pacific Coast Highway at the continent’s edge. And the weather stands a good chance of not cooperating.  Prognostications up to Wednesday evening left me hopeful of dodging any raindrops, but since yesterday the forecast has been holding steady at …

Oh It’s Serious Now

Not only did I just send out a rambling email updating the handful of interested individuals (to varying degrees) in joining me for all or part of my Sunset Boulevard walk February 10, but I whipped up a commemorative t-shirt, too:

Get Out!

Yay! Susan and I are up early this morning and getting ready for a hike this morning to the Bridge To Nowhere with some Flickr pals, Echo 29 and Hexod and their wives. Last time I was there was July 2002 with Cybele and The Man and their friend Christian and his girlfriend at the …