That’s “Internationally Published Nature Photographer” To You

Not quite a year ago whilst biking to work one morning I passed a patch of passion fruit flowers growing on a fence alongside the Ballona Creek Bikeway near Sepulveda Boulevard and among the many marvelous blossoms found a big and busy carpenter bee hard at work on one. As I go nowhere without a …

LA Times Machine 1989 v. 2009

I’m doing some pre-spring cleaning/reorganizing and I came across a copy of the paper from the day my daughter was born in 1989, and for fun (and sadness) compared it in size to a more recent edition I saved for posterity as well. The 1989 Times masthead for Thursday, September 7, 1989, boasts a circulation …

Thanking Of Me

Among the  variety of people, things and events the L.A. Times gave thanks for in its lead editorial in today’s paper they made sure to appreciate me too: We also thank those who can drive but don’t, who bike and carpool and make good use of their EZ transit passes on two dozen public transit …