Sunday In The Park With Dog: Ranger Lets Me Win

Susan wanted video of Ranger and me romping around Elysian Park after our hike this Sunday morning so I challenged her to a race around a nearby eucalyptus and back. Ranger not only gave me a head start, but after demonstrating her far-superior cornering capability around the tree’s trunk then slowed up enough on the …

Bamboo Charlie Lives!

You might remember last September when I wrote about visiting the garden of Bamboo Charlie (nee Charles Ray Walker) after I learned of his sudden demise. If not, you can read and see about it here. Bamboo Charlie was homeless by choice and a beloved fixture in that area near the Boyle Heights Sears, carving …

Last Ride Of The Year

I joined some of my fellow Glendale Trail Safety Patrol volunteers — Paul, Rafi and Mark — and we tackled the Brand Motorway from bottom to top, with a side trip over to Tongva Peak before heading back down: For all the riding I’ve done in the Verdugos, I haven’t rolled up or down the …

Got My Name In The Paper Yesterday

Last Saturday was the training day scheduled for the freshly minted volunteers of the inaugural class of Glendale’s Trail Safety Patrol program. I was among 17 others who sat in the Glendale Police Department’s Community Room for eight hours to learn about procedures, first aid, protocols, and such. A reporter from the Glendale News-Press, Brittany …

A Question That Plagues Me No More

Despite what some might see as a physical and structural impossibility, I’ve long wondered if I could grow a seven-foot-plus tall sunflower in a six-inch planter box suspended off the south side steps, and now I have the answer (click it for the bigger picture):

Timelapse: July 4th Night Across Silver Lake Gulch

Every year these last few Susan and I have made the front porch our July 4th destination because despite ALL fireworks being ILLEGAL in Los Angeles, it seems like far too many of our otherwise mild-mannered neighbors disregard that civic ordinance. And the result is an hours-long noisy, poppy blasty boomy show consisting mostly of …