On The Boardwalk

From our vantage point at Venice Beach’s Sidewalk Cafe for breakfast, I sat the camera on the rail and snapped this empty scene of the little plot on the Boardwalk where artist David Alexander English plies his stock and trade: [bigger version here on Flickr] Later on we walked up to the Santa Monica Pier …

Johnny Cash Was My Greatest Teacher

Susan and I watched Walk The Line last night. We both enjoyed it — especially the performances of Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon — but with this movie coming out a year after the similarly plot-pointed biopic on Ray Charles in 2004, we both couldn’t help but wonder what legendary musician’s film will be rolled …

Turkey Shoot

Just crossed my mind so I figured I’d chuck its triviality up here. I love the TV series 24, but I can only hope last night’s episode proves to be the weakest link and the series doesn’t stretch its ridiculousness any further than it already has. That terrorists were granted access to the president of …

Ursa Major

Susan and I just finished watching Grizzly Man, the documentary by Werner Herzog on Timothy Treadwell who found his life’s calling — and death — living for months at a time among the grizzlies of the Alaskan peninsula’s Katmai National Park. Treadwell first came to my attention in the ’90s when his book Among Grizzlies: …