Well Lookee What I Found!

Despite my efforts I could uncover neither the original column nor the photograph assignment referenced in the previous post. But I did find this long-lost relic of me and Sparkletts Water making friends in Atwater Village on my route back in 1990, taken by a customer of mine on Brunswick just south of Los Feliz …

A Visit With Mom

Went over to mother’s pad today to help her move a piece of furniture and go through a stack of old albums of my deceased stepfather’s that she thought I might be interested in bringing home. There was some cool stuff. Old oldies of “Fats” Waller and Louie Armstrong and Jimmy Durante and Earl Hines …

What Lies Beneath

A brief follow-up on yesterday’s post about L.A. history… I don’t know how I’ve missed this in the year and a half I’ve been living where I’m living, but walking the dog this morning we came to the corner of Occidental and Bellevue (as we have done many, many times) I saw for the first …