Seven Up

Given my self-competitive nature, I’d been hoping to top last year’s haul of seven trees, but could only lash down a matching number — albeit with a couple asterisks that make this pick-up “better” than 2008’s. Asterisk No. 1: Last year the seven trees  included our own — which was one of the reasons I …

Our First Annual Christmas Day Breakfast At The Pantry

Why is it such a really  good idea as breakfast on Christmas Day at one of my favorite never-closed places in LA is an idea that never occurred to me until now. Oversights like that frustrate me to no end, but I guess it’s better late than never to start an annual Breakfast At The …

We’ve Got Spirit, Yes We Do…

Typically I don’t really feel the holiday verve until well into December and subsequently don’t even think about busting out the  lights and and busying myself hanging the stuff before December 1. This year having decided to undertake the additional task of draping the twinklies from the second floor dormer for the first time, I …

Happy Halloween!

For the fifth October 31st in a row Susan and I have carved pumpkins and done up the front yard and the only place we’ll be going is out on the front porch in hopes of trick-or-treaters to come get some candy and enjoy our decorations.