The Voices Inside My Computer Speakers Have Ceased!

Yesterday, I finally retired the pair of Jensen desktop speakers that have been dutifully audibilizing my home computers for the past 22-plus years. It’s not that they failed. They worked fine. It’s that for the past five or so years they’ve been intermittently connected to another dimension. Specifically they’ve been broadcasting at veeeery low volumes …

All Together Now

One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite musicals, “Man of La Mancha,” goes like this: “Whether the pitcher hits the stone or the stone hits the pitcher, it’s going to be bad for the pitcher.” Well in the case of the pticher pictured below, it wasn’t a stone, but rather the backyard …

Olympic Fever

In these years of fading memory I can’t seem to recall the specfix of how I came to have this image below that I rediscovered this weekend whilst stumbling around my archives. My best recollection is that I found it via my fellow LA Metblogger Frazgo, either via a post he made on the find …

Hey Bud

Around the same time last summer that I made this night-long timelapse of a nocturnal cactus flower opening wide, I dropped a couple fallen prickly pear cactus pads into a small pot of soil and commenced spritzing them with water occasionally through the subsequent seasons in hopes that they might keep on going. I’m pleased …

Avocado Avocation

It was Jo Gillis and the miracle of her “Charlie Brown” peach tree that got things started. Shortly after reading that post near the end of July I plopped into pots the pits of a pair of peaches (say that three-times fast) to see if they might grow, but so far nothing yet. Jo later …