Return Of The PupCam

I’m not sure how long I’ll keep it live, but in the aftermath of my successful failure in wi-fi’d webcam tagger surveillance earlier this week, I have resurrected the “pupcam” that we had in the kitchen after coming back from vacation last summer with the four dogs we rescued in Utah. Only this time the …

Aloe There

Sometime last year Susan did some thinning of the planter box by the porch steps and out went a collection of stunted, ingrown aloe plants that weren’t dead but weren’t thriving either. So I picked the sturdiest looking one of the bunch and plunked it down into a hole I dug in the backyard… an …

Up In Smoke

Perusing the inside of today’s Times I found this article about how smoking addiction can sometimes just disappear. The piece goes on to document how a USC/University of Iowa study linked injuries sustained to a specific area of the brain called the insula (which apparently holds sway over urges such as smoking) with the immediate …

Up On The Roof

Yesterday might not have been the snap, crackle or poppiest  of clear days for the L.A. basin, but t’weren’t too shabby as balmy winter days go. And having to get up on the roof yesterday for a minor chore I brought my camera with me to see what could be seen (click the thumbnails for …

Every Journey Begins With A First Four-Mile Trek

Molasses-assed as I can be, of course I’d planned on starting the marathon conditioning thing Monday (in despa-preparation for the loooooong training walk I’m taking Feb. 10), but it wasn’t until this morning that I rose from bed about a quarter past 5 a.m. with Susan thankfully rising right along with me (I probably wouldn’t …

Fetching, Isn’t She?

Willing to risk looking like I goofed off had fun today, I offer these video-still moments of truth during a backyard fetch game with Ranger: