A Word About Bink

Has it been since mid-April that I last wrote about our Bink and the health troubles that originally manifested February and led to the discovery of his unrelated shrapnel wound in March? Time man, jeez: zoom!

Anyway,  I’m long overdue with a status report and it’s all good thanks to our trust in his toughness and to Susan’s extended dedication in syringe feeding him for such an extended period of time.


While he still quarters himself in the bedroom and has none of his past desire for the other rooms much less the outdoors, he’s back to being his brighter, bigger-eyed and better-groomed (and semi-cantankerous) self, fully eating  breakfast and dinner on his own, and and has been getting some of his strength back as well as some weight, too. Yesterday Susan even spied him boogeying down a bit on some catnip that wound up on the bedroom rug.