Back On The Wagon

These past few days have been a study in caloric amplification. For example: It’s amazing how good eight ounces of eggnog tastes with a large dollop of coolwhip topping and an extra shot of Drambuie. All the better when it was chasing down a slice of my baybee’s fantastic pumpkin pecan cheesecake… one that’s been …

Diet Tribe: Calorie Counting Will Resume At A Date To Be Determined

Sorry, but there’s Broguiere’s Eggnog in the house now.  And with that liquid gold weighing in at about 50 calories a fluid ounce — not counting any alcohol augmentation — and three more bottles where this pictured one came from –  it’s officially ’tis the season not to give a damn… or at least not …

Weekend Wrap-Up

What a crazy busy wonderful last coupla days. If there’s ever been a 48-hour period where I’ve bitten off more than I could chew but still managed to swallow it all without choking, this was it. It all started Friday night coming home from work with an intensive trip to the market to procure all …

Now We’re Cookin’!

I don’t do a lot of meal making in the kitchen that involves preparations beyond seasoning something and putting it to some manner of heat. I think the most complicated thing I’ve ever made is cookies or cakes. Or daiquiris the way Hemingway drank ’em in Cuba. This weekend though, thanks to a unique and …