Assisted Pull-UpDate: Multiply This Daily By 10 (To Start)

Back last September, I was apparently the only one in the world who DIDN’T know of the existence of resistance bands and how they can aid those such as myself who are pull-up challenged (meaning with my long-ass arms, weak upperbody strength and my 200-plus pound bulk I could barely do one). Since then, I’ve …

What A Difference 17 Months Makes

Today’s topic is the WSTB — the Work Sample Test Battery — the standard physical agility test that anyone and everyone must pass in order to graduate from the public safety training program in which I’m currently enrolled. A non-pass/fail benchmark version was administered last Saturday to show each of us in the class where …

A Spectacles Of Myself

Did I forget to mention…? Yeah: I’ve become  un porteur des lunettes — a spectacles bearer… a wearer of the eyeglasses. Not just any of the variety of shades I’m usually found in whenever I’m outside (or the over-the-counter readers when I’m trying to make out the fine print on something around the house), but …

Two Zero Zero

On September 21, I wrote about how it was waaaaay too soon for me to be stepping onto the scale and having it read 200.6. The previous day I’d dropped to a new low at that point of 203 pounds and it was just completely anomalous for me to follow-up the very next weigh-in with …

One Time

I have one simple rule regarding my daily diet routine. When I step on the scale each morning I do it one time and one time only and take the numbers it gives back to me. Step on. Read. Step off. If the scale says I’ve gained five pounds since I weighed myself yesterday? Then …

The Big Three Zero

The scale this morning read 204.2. Subtract that from the weight of 234.8 from which I started this downward journey on March 1 and the result is I crossed over the milestone of 30 pounds lost. In terms of my overall goal, I’ve changed things up a bit and gone with a longer view. These …