Murder On Marathon

Cross-posted from My inbox Wednesday held an email from someone otherwise unidentified save for the “silverlakenews” in the sender’s address. The message within included a link to an April 4 story on headlined “Man Shot And Killed After Opening Front Door.” The sum of the short article is as follows: (CBS) SILVER LAKE, …

Church On The Way

Got a load on my mind so I’m not feeling very blogversant today. Instead I’ll just leave you with this photo: Just a church front Shadow and I have had occasion to pas when our walks take us all the way over to Hoover. Larger version of the photo is here.

Dog Day Afternoon

Walking back from Echo Park Lake down Sunset with Shadow I found this gorgeous pitbull placidly holding down the backseat of its fort as we moved past, and I had to come back and grab a snap of him in all his huge-headed majesty: The uncropped, larger version is here.

‘Tween Scenes

So yesterday I braved the bad weather and cowered from my common sense and included myself in the two-year birthday celebration for the Midnight Ridazz. I was joined by Mack Reed of L.A. Voice and we both went the route’s 12.6-mile distance ultimately soaked to the skin and borderline frostbitten in places but without insult …