They’re Going Thataway!

The storm may not have landed yet, but the fine flying folks at LAX aren’t taking any chances. In the four months I’ve been watching jets land and take off from my 10th floor Westchester office today is the first time I’ve seen outbound planes taking off heading inland instead of the usual route out …

Cue Rimshot

This is as frivolicious as it is lame (though that hasn’t stopped me before!), but ever since I discovered the east/west passage offered my bike and I by Washington Boulevard for our crosstown commutes I chuckle each time I pass this store on the corner of National and Washington, imagining the phone calls. Never mind …

My Baby’s Comin’ Home!

It’s been a looooong stretch since Susan left to catch a 6 a.m. flight to Chicago Saturday for a conference there. But yay! She’s coming home today!! This is the longest we’ve ever been apart since…. well, last month when I went to Orlando. But before that I think the longest we’ve ever been in …

Willy Or Won’t He

Phone rings at 11: 53 a.m. I answer on the second ring. Me: Hello, this is Will. Silence, only backgrounding telemarketing bullpen sounds are heard through the phone. Me (after a pause): Hello. This is Will. Her: Uh yes, may I speak to a Willy Campbell please? Silence from me this time. Her: I’m trying …

Name Game

A year ago last month for various reasons and excuses I posted about a semi-ffrivolous desire to adopt the nickname “Dub,” and I was subsequently surprised and humored by the various comments from my friends and blog pals who pretty much summarily rejected or pfffft’d or chuckled at the idea. So I let sleeping Dubs …

It’s All In The Delivery

My baby got a trio of packages today. Just anybody might stack them up biggest to smallest or heaviest to lightest, but not me. I decided to arrange them a bit more creatively, just so: There I go again, making something outta nothing.

I Loves These Gloves

I’m thinking it’s time to retire these fine fellas: They’ve served proud and done me well, but it’s time to say so long.