Anatomy Of A Partial Quote

Being that I’m always edgy about being quoted about anything, here’s another example why. Kevin Roderick of the indispensible L.A. Observed emailed me last month. He told me he was writing a feature for Los Angeles magazine on Eric Garcetti and since my councilman and I had established something of a rapport via posts …

Can You Dig This, Part II

So as explained in my earlier post today, after removing the big ass piece of metal from its landlocked position a few feet below the surface of the earth in the backyard, I threw in the towel because there didn’t seem much point in moving all the earth I’d removed. So the right rear corner …

Can You Dig It?

I’m too lazy to find them and link to them so it will have to suffice that I’ve written past posts on my backyarcheological discoveries. Glass vessels mainly that intrigue me not simply for any historical significance they lend to the backyard, but because they’re there… and have been for years. Well, one of my …

Back Together Again

I’m not really a fan of jigsaw puzzles. I’ve done several in my time, but I don’t get all goosebumply at the thought of putting together pieces of anything. So that can’t explain why I dropped everything on Saturday after Susan presented me with a box full of the shattered remains of two dishes that …

Three Amigos

It’s a given that on the weekends when we let the cats out you can usually find one — maybe two — crashed comfortably on the lounge in the backyard, but rare is it that three show up (from left: Pepper, Pumpkin and Jiggy). Click image to biggify the cuteness.

What Are The Odds…?

You can’t always get what you want, but sometimes you get what you need.” So Susan and I decided to walk early this afternoon from our house in Silver Lake down Sunset Boulevard into Echo Park to an Asian market about 1.5 miles away to get some snow peas and any other stuff that might …