Ergo, Ego

Fun with captions: In the above image by AP Photographer Richard Vogel of Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa discussing the city’s new $7-billion budget while backed-up by a squad of Los Angeles City Firefighters now forced by department cuts to do double duty as unpaid bodyguards, Villaraigosa is shown: Demonstrating how big his ego used to be? …

In Awe Gu Ra Tion Day

That picture pretty much represents the moment it sank in that the country had elected Barack Obama as its next president. Immediately thereafter I felt a compulsion to attend the inauguration that took me a bit by surprise. I wastd little time putting requests in to my various elected representatives for tickets  — three: for …

A Tale Of Two Stickerz

There are two stickers on the rear window of my truck that need to come off. Both are homebrew and have been there awhile. One demonstrates my support for a local radio station that until this week did its best to buck the system. The other showcases, somewhat cheekily, my ceaseless disappointment in the man …

Will Everyone Just Shut The Hell Up About Rick Warren Already And Go Back To Boycotting El Coyote

I’m not often prone to political snarkage here, but I can’t turn around in the blogosphere lately without having to STFU and read diatribes from apopleptic people who are ready to kick Barack Obama to the curb because he apparently signed off on whoever in his inauguration committee picked Pastor Rick Warren to say a …