Four Dog Night

Having been woefully without internut access since we entered Yellowstone National Park on July 5, on the way out of Arches National Park outside of Moab, Utah, this morning I’d been planning on catching you all up about the stuff we saw (like this) and did with the distant hope that I’d be able to …

Learning As We Go

My foresight’s always been in need of some serious prescription lensification. Never has this been more clearly demonstrated than with our decision on the way to our July 3 destination of Susan’s grandma’s house in Troy, Mont., to venture up into Canada just because it was so dang close. So up US Highway 95 we …

Nature Is Where You Find It

I’ll spare you the blow by blow backcountry road route Susan and I were on today other than to tell you that our explorations through gorgeous canyons and valleys and high plains and winding two-lanes from Baker City to Spokane put the “seen” in scenic. Instead I’ll just leave you with this handsome devil of …

Who Is John Day?

So Susan and I traversed the remarkably scenic Oregeon Byway along the 126 from Redmond to about 16 miles beyond Prairie City and then the 26 to historic Baker City. Along the way we passed this barn and had to pull a u-turn and come back to photograph it: [large version here] Certainly in the …

Everything’s Pine & Dandy

Well, we made it. Our flight to Redding was delayed and we didn’t get off the ground until more than an hour later, but we touched down and cabbed over to the nearest motel and this morning we were up and away in our rental with our first stop to be the unfinished business of …

Mojo To Go

Over the years, I’ve compiled a quartet of trinkets that have become the charms I take with me wherever I may roam, and with us leaving tonight for a flight up to Redding followed by a whole bunch of driving through various states of the union and consciousness, they’ll certainly be coming along for the …

To Do List

Basically with four days remaining before my baby and I catch a flight to Redding and commence a couple weeks of road-tripping through Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Arizona on our way back to Cali, I’ve got a goodly amount of doables that be needing doabling… such as: Haircut House clean Wrangle/recharge the …