And For My Next Tricks

Now that we’re on the downhill side of the last month of 2006, it’s time for a no-muss no-fuss look at my resolves for the coming new year: To conversate in Spanish To comprehend Flash and build me a new-fangled website with it To continue to pound the pavement of my neighborhoods and build a …

An Inspector Calls, Part Deux

I’m not going to worry about linking back to the previous frustrations regarding the water heaters other than to remind anyone who might recall how the initial Building & Safety Department inspector wouldn’t sign off on it when he was first out way back at the end of May and I pretty much blew a …

Catching Up

Even if I have nothing of importance to say, I really dislike letting the blog stagnate, and rare is it that I go so many days without slapping something up — a photo or a flashback entry. Anything. So howsabout some bulletpoints that fill in the blanks and myabe look forward a bit: Films watched: …

The Joys Of Webcamming

I got my hair cut today. Other than come home and rinse it out, I had no idea how severely short it now is until I saw an older webcam snap from earlier today. So I promptly assumed as similar a post and did a before-and after: Feels about five pounds lighter.

I’m Finished Venting

Back in May I posted about having an inspector call to examine what turned out to be the unapprovable installation of the venting pipes leading from the new water heaters put in earlier that month. I had grand plans of making it a DIY job instead of attempting to get the negligent plumbing company in …

Harvest Time

Buster the tortoise, goes cuckoo for two things: hibiscus blooms and the blossoms that a plant called the snail vine produces (no doubt because the little purple flowers have something of a resemblance to snail shells… personally I don’t see it). When my mom lived in Sherman Oaks she had a snail vine plant growing …

Making A CASE

Needing another break from the ongoing transcribing “process,” I turn to a relic that’s never been too far from my desktop since the late 1980s. It’s one of two things I cherish from my predominately uncherishable stepfather Bill Cox — neither of them officially bequeathed to me after his 1988 death so much as just …