The Hillz Are Alive

The good folks at RIDE-Arc have been so kind as to scare the crap out of less-seasoned enthusiasts send to the recipients of their maillist graphic proof that tomorrow night’s ride will have ups and downs. That, or it’s a seismograph readout; or maybe a 20-year commodities chart plotting the price fluctuation of porkbellies (click …

Hey Ebbets!

I got my latest Ebbets Field Flannels catalog in the mail Wednesday night and yesterday before I got the good news about landing the job I was thumbing through it and I said to myself that if I got the gig I’d reward myself on my first pay day by taking advantage of an available …

I’m Wanted

You remember that commercial from a few years ago, the one where people danced in abject euphoria to ELO’s “Do Ya, Do Ya Want My Love?” when they got new jobs? I always wanted to do that. You know that gig I interviewed for last week, the one I was really hoping to get? …

Arrivederci Dubrovnik

Just a quick hey say from the ship just off the coast of Croatia as the anchor’s being raised at Dubrovnik where we just spent a marvelous day and now and we’re on our way around the heel and toe of Italy’s boot for a full day at sea before coming into Rome. It’s been …

If The Cars Don’t Fit, You Must Ticket!

In my almost-three years here, I’ve combated a veritable platoon of parking tards who insist on hanging their vehicles’ asses over the edge of our driveway apron to varying degrees of idiocy and inconsideration. Some dangle out juuuuuust enough to make it moderately inconvenient to back out or pull into my side of the tight …

Another One Of LAX

I don’t trouble myself or my point-and-shoot cam with equalized exposure settings and such, I just snap ’em and stitch ’em, like this series of three taken around 5:30 p.m. Friday from the 8th floor of the El Segundo garage behind the building I work at (click to enlarge): Previous LAX shot, here.

Love is…

…going up in there with nothing but a paper towel and a prayer to grab and pull undigested and unknown lengths of string stuck dangling out of the back end of your string-eating pup. Today’s was about eight inches long. Lovely — and shut up! If I can do it without hurling you can read …